Lighthouse Optometrists gives sight to Kenyans in the Come and See program

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Rather than tossing unwanted reading glasses in the bin, one optometrist at Ramsgate Beach is giving the lenses a new purpose.

Lighthouse Optometrists has been running its Come and See program since 2017.

The idea is to recycle old spectacles so they can be donated to people in developing countries. 

Patients and the community donated 250 pairs in about six months, and the team from the St George business took them to rural Kenya so they could be put to good use.

One of the churches in Kenya that runs free optometry clinics, prescribed the donated glasses to people of all ages.

Some patients walked for hours to get to the clinic, with glasses being a luxury beyond their reach. Many were able to see clearly for the first time.

“Lighthouse Optometrists is a family run business and community focused, aiming to make a difference not just in the local community but internationally as well,” said optometrist Mandy Iskander. 

“Since we look after many young families, the program is also a great way to teach our children the importance of recycling and giving.”

The next trip is planned for mid 2019 and the team hopes to take 1000 pairs of glasses to disadvantaged communities.